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S&P 500 Companies By Sector
See the weights of each sector in the S&P 500 and what companies are in each sector.
S&P 500 Returns By Year
Historical yearly returns for the S&P 500 from 1926 to 2023 with dividends reinvested and adjusted for inflation.
Current and Historical I Bond Rates
See current and historical interest rates, fixed rates and inflation rates for series I savings bonds.
Current and Historical EE Bond Rates
See current and historical interest rates for Series EE savings bonds.
Live Off Dividends Calculator
Calculate the amount of securities needed to live off dividends or interest alone.
Upcoming Treasury Auctions
See the latest upcoming US Treasury security auctions for Bills, Notes, Bonds, TIPS and FRN's
Series EE Bond Calculator
Calculate series ee bond interest and series ee bond value over its lifetime.
S&P 500 Investment Calculator
Estimate how much your S&P 500 investments will grow over time.
Roth and Traditional IRA Contribution Calculator
Estimate of how much you can contribute to a Traditional, Roth, and SEP IRA account this year.